Tuesday, June 20, 2006

running and peanut butter don't mix well

i moved in to the house with the family in it in san marcos a few days ago. the family is nice, their dog is adorable, and i've started running again. as much as i love running, i hate having to stop and start because a) my lungs are turning inside-out, b) my hips are trying to pop out of their sockets, or c) my breakfast is trying to make an appearance.

i went at sunrise a couple of days ago and the weather was great, and the sunrise was increadible. i only made it about 3/4 of a mile before turning back to go home, but it was a good start. last night when i got home from work there was a guy across the street whose (huge) dog always runs across the street to greet me when i get home, and the guy had on basketball shorts and was stretching in the driveway. i asked him if he was going running and he said yeah. we talked briefly and resolved to meet in the morning at 7:30 (sunrise was too early for him).

so this morning i was feelin pretty hungry and decided to have not only a peanut butter sandwich (which is what i had for breakfast the other day before my new exercise regimen started), but also a nutri-grain bar AND apple sauce. needless to say, we're running along (NOT jogging, this dude is a sprinter, damnit) and as soon as we arrive on the actual track, my stomach starts convulsing. it would be kind of embarrassing to vomit on the first run (not date) but at the same time i don't want the guy to get irritated because i'm a woos and can't sprint for 2 miles straight. (wuss? woose? wus? who cares.)

so i start speed walking instead and explain that i just started running again like 2 days ago.. hoping for an ounce or two of sympathy. it works, and he walks too (thank god). we talked about school and stuff and my stomach calmed down and we started to run again. this happens 3 more times! and i like to consider myself the owner of an iron stomach! we did make it all the way around the track , which i hadn't done before, and i didn't puke (amazingly). when we get back the point where the track and the street nearly converge, i'm thinking we're getting off to go home, and he starts turning the corner for another lap! i'm like, "uh... aren't you gonna get off?" and he's like, "oh! i thought you'd be up for another round!" HAHA YEAH RIGHT BUDDY.

i made it home safe and sound and with all my organs right-side out, but mister sprinter actually LIKED running with me and said he'd see me later. oh god. it's going to be a long and painful summer. this is what i get for talking to strangers (and their dogs).


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